
Bathroom Lady

oh my gosh. Just when you think people cannot get any more weird. Click the title and go read this right now. This lady lived in her bathroom for 16 years, and apparently has been sitting on her toliet with her pants down for 2 YEARS. She was literally STUCK to the toliet...like her skin grew around it.

The thing that blows my mind is it took her boyfriend 2 years to think..."hmm, maybe she needs help." He says, and I quote, "time just went by so quick I can't pinpoint how long."--how long she had been in the bathroom that is. Time flies when you're sitting on the toliet??! pahaha..

The other issue is this--ok living in the bathroom, kinda weird in and of itself, but somewhat understandable, she has a phobia; but sitting on the toliet for 2 years?? that is just freakin weird. And whats the point of even having your pants on? Maybe she just couldn't take them off.
hahaha...ohhhhhhhh wow.


  1. ewwww. that is probably the most retarded thing I've heard in a while. yuck. thanks for the news of the weird. :o)

  2. So I've shared this with Terry and Jason. We all agree it's just so messed up. Who could do that?! Thanks for this article, it makes me proud of myself even on those days I don't leave the apartment and stay in my pajamas all day.

  3. pretty much the most amazing story i have ever heard. i laughed out loud.

  4. Get your mind out of the toilet... room... apartment... bathroom apartment toilet...

  5. This just in

  6. crazy... but sounds like a story steve would enjoy!

  7. can you UPDATE faggot? miss you!
