Last week I turned 29! We celebrated the day before my real birthday because Duke had the day off for Columbus Day, which was perfect because on my actual birthday I woke up sick! It was a fun day that flew by. Duke made me pumpkin chocolate chip waffles, we both took turns working out (which eats up a large part of the day when you have to take turns!), we went to a local hotel pool where we got fancy drinks and relaxed, and we ended the day celebrating with friends on the beach down the street. It was a great way to celebrate being 29! I'm excited for this last year of my twenties.
I always feel like it't not a birthday unless there are balloons, so that was my one request this year!
Japanese cake toppers=the best
Bear the Goldendoodle!
Most of the ladies who were there^ missing a few! Love all these gals.
It was too windy for the candles to stay lit, so i just pretending here :)
Lucy's face after thoroughly enjoying a brownie, ha!
These people make me the happiest^
The sunset at Sunset Beach. Thanks to my friends who helped me celebrate :) It was a perfect day!