
Tuesday Tidbits

Do you like my title's alliteration? Thought I was clever.

Today I challenged Duke to a staring contest-I won in like 7 seconds. So then he challenged me to a non-staring contest. No one won because we couldn't stop laughing. What is a non-staring contest? Well we witnessed this new game being played by some rugrats a few weeks ago at Five Guys. I guess it's the new thing. You have to get all your stares out first. Then you both have to blink until you just can't anymore!! These kids were so good they were going for at least 5 whole minutes. Blew my mind.

I went for a walk today around my "neighborhood" because I didn't really feel like working out. I felt white trash walking around aimlessly in my white T-shirt and cut off sweats, no make up. (This was at 2:30pm). I always see random WT/NWT (non-white trash) walking around our neighborhood at EVERY hour of the day. I always wonder where they are going. Duke says "they're just going for a walk!" But I don't buy it.

Here's a picture of our house from the outside. I would take pictures of the inside..but it's just not to that point yet. Maybe in December when I get the rug I bought that's on back order...maybe.

Also, made these last night and we really loved them. Also making this tonight. We are on the lookout for the best recipe for tomato soup. Wish us luck.
PS. I'm actually really enjoying this whole cooking thing.


  1. If you pinned the tomato soup I had on pinterest, unpin it. We had it last night and it was ok but not blog worthy. I should have stuck with Annies eats but I'm trying to broaden my perspective.

  2. good to know--i pinned a few on pinterest, but thought i'd start with annie's eats. I'll let you know how it turns out on my end!

  3. Cute house !! You started out way better than we did. I didn't know Duke had a motorcycle. Your car looks great in the driveway..

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