

I do not have time to blog anymore! But I am on vacation, so I thought I'd do a little update.  Although I can't think of anything we've been doing since my last blog post. So i'll just talk about what's been going on this past week. My parents, Jonathan and Brittany got in town on Friday night and they stayed with us up in Milton. It was fun to have our first house guests!! In the morning we ate yummy pancakes then went sailing! I love sailing and it was a perfect day for it. We also saw a ton of dolphins and they were sooooo close to our boat!! I don't know why, but every time I see dolphins in the water it's just so exciting! We also ate at the Tuscan Oven that day, which is probably my favorite restaurant in Pensacola. Delicious pizza. So if you're ever in Pensacola, I would recommend it!!

Getting ready for sailing

I had to work Monday and Tuesday but every other day i've been down here in Destin enjoying the beaches every other day! 

Thats really all I got for now. Once I have something exciting I'll have to blog again! 


  1. That looked like so much fun!

  2. It looks like Brittany loves it when you "maul" her. Those pictures are awesome!
