
Happy Birthday Winston

September 8 was Winston's first birthday. Since I love him so much, I made him a doggy cupcake and bought a birthday hat and we sang to him. He doesn't look too thrilled about it, but i'm pretty sure he was just playing it cool. He loved it. We also took him to the dog beach in Pensacola. He loves the water!

I never knew a little animal could make me so happy, but he does. I have a soft spot in my heart for dogs that wasn't there a year ago. And I'm grateful! Thank you Winston.

Also, our friends showed us this cool feature on our camera called "movie digest", it records about 3 seconds before you take each photo and compiles them into one video at the end of the day. So the video below is the movie digest from the day. (I take a lot of pictures of winston).

If you'd like to reminisce, here are a couple video from Winston was a wee puppy. He use to be so little!! It kills me!

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