

I would love to post my trip with Stacy part II, but my computer is in a box until July and that's where all my pictures are. Ah, the life of a vagabond. I'm currently living out of a suitcase until septembe,r maybe october, and don't really have a place to call home right now. I'm pretty happy though because I'm finalllly visiting my husband. We were across the country from each other for 5 weeks and I honestly can't imagine even a three month deployment. I'm horrified. How do these spouses do this? Some people deal with YEAR long deployments. Sounds like torture. And imagine having to raise your kids alone? (Ok, i realize single moms do that everyday-and again, I don't know how). Sometimes I get frustrated with this "military lifestyle"-the moving, the separatedness, the unknown. On the positive side, it is fun to explore so many new parts of the country/world. I really have enjoyed that part.
Well I fly back to Arkansas on Saturday and then head to Utah a couple days later for the rest of the month. Wooohooo!

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