
I heart Sundays

Sundays are great, right? This last Sunday was really nice. The weather was perrrrrfect! We went to church, I came home and took a nice nap (nothing better than a Sunday afternoon nap), made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and took Winston to the park. It was just one of those glorious days you wish could be everyday.

sleepy mornings

One of my other favorite Sunday traditions is skyping with the fam. Recently we've switched over to Google Plus hangouts, so we can all join in no matter where we are. Sometimes, it's a little chaotic, but I still love it. (thanks for the screenshots britt!)

Our little family in Florida

Jonathan, Mushu, and my dad (not pictured) in Arkansas
My mom (with a dog in one hand & baby in the other-grandma hungry??) & Erica in Utah

Graham Crackers

Plus Britt in Provo and Tyler in Idaho. I love my family!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had an awesome day. I didn't know about the google hangouts, I'll have to try it, it looks awesome.
