
Some Updates

Thought I'd just share some tidbits about life over in our parts.

Found this cute little doggy reindeer attire at target, that Winston CLEARLY loved. However, the little antlers fall down into his face unless he is looking up, so i'm gonna have to find a different set. Seriously, so cute though.

Tuesday morning I woke up all sick with just a cold. And I am a big baby when I am sick, so I sat on my couch for about 2 straight days and watched almost the entire first season of Hart of Dixie. (which by the way, isn't that good. I have to laugh at how ridiculous it is, but I do love Rachel Bilson and Jaime King, so I put up with it. Plus it's on Netflix and we don't do cable..soo it's all I got right now.)

signs of a sickee
However, I also had a job interview that day, so I sucked it up for an hour and prayed that my nose wouldn't run away. I lucked out and got the job. Yay!! It's at the mall, nothing fancy. Probably the lowest paying job I have had since...high school. But that's ok! We're only here for 6 months, so I figure as long as I've got something going on I'll be fine. 

It has been a little more challenging having a dog and living on the 3rd floor. Winston is used to ringing his little bells whenever his heart desires and going outside and inside every 5 minutes. So I'm sure he's not loving it either. Poor guy. He just loves to be outside snooping around. But it just isn't working that way anymore! For one, I am lazy and for two, I just don't have time for that. So I let him on out on the balcony to watch the cars in the parking lot and seems to enjoy that.

Also, he ate our wall this morning. And I was sitting right there on the couch as he was doing it. I thought he was just licking the wall until I heard his teeth grinding. What a weirdo! How do you even think to eat the wall??? He also tore up our carpet already. Thank you Winston, we love you so much.

Also last weekend we made a quick day trip to San Antonio to visit the temple there. We brought Winston along (and boarded him obviously). I was having weird anxiety and didn't want to leave him home alone. Duke was not very happy about this when the $15 boarding fee turned into $40 bc he had to have some dumb flu shot to stay there. But I was glad Winston got to come for the ride.

We also may start going to San Antonio every weekend (just kidding) because they have a Whole Foods, and I'm pretty much obsessed with that store. It's like Christmas for me, just going there. I even tried to apply at their headquarters in Austin after I graduated, but unfortunately they didn't have any openings for anything I was remotely qualified for. I'm not really sure why, but I just love walking around and looking at all the variety of things they have. Just walking around the store makes me happy. So we loaded up on a TON of fruit (which is already gone) and some other goodies, like delicious, made-in-store tortillas and had dinner there as well. And lucky for me it's a store that Duke enjoys as well. Possibly the only store we both enjoy visiting.

I also wore a snuggie for the first time, well wore it as intended (usually just use it as a normal blanket). And we played boggle. It was an eventful night.

Last but not least, I found these ADORABLE boots for dogs at Bed Bath and Beyond. And guess what they are called? Pugz. Hilar!!!


  1. I started watching Hart of Dixie too (because we don't have cable), but couldn't finish it. Rachel Bilson was a lot better in the OC, right?

    Milo and Winston are twins. You should see the damage we have to fix in the bathroom. Milo has discovered chewing on walls too. Must be a dog thing.

  2. whit- way better in the OC. and thats hilarious. I didn't know dogs would do that. but then again, i shouldn't put it past them!

  3. I just finished season 1 of hart of dixie too... the end of season 1 is the best it has been... and so far the start of season two is pretty pathetic too. I'm watching it on the CW app on my ipad... but it passes the time and its free! And YES she was SO much better in the OC, duh!
