
Visiting Arkansas

The last week of October Lucy and I went home to Bentonville, Arkansas for one quick week to see my best friend get married. The trip was great and Lucy amazed me at how well she did on the flights. It's all about that bassinet seat!! We were also lucky to have an empty seat next to us on almost every flight. By the way, I kept track of how many individual flights Lucy was on in her first year and the grand total is 26. So hopefully that translates to a baby who is used to traveling?? I can only hope.
This is a bit of a random post, but I pulled out some videos of me from when I was a baby to see what I looked like. These are screenshots from the video of when I was 9 months old. Definitely some similarities, but I still think she's a really good mix of Duke and I.
we went for lots of walks on the pretty walking trails. Lucy was a bit tired here.
My mom asked me to take some Sr pictures for my little brother. I'm most definitely not even close to professional, but it was actually kind of fun to try. Isn't he handsome?? ;)
 I realllllllly wanted to take Lucy to a pumpkin patch because they do not exist in Okinawa. We didn't have time to go to a real one, but there was a church that sells some and so we stopped and took some pictures. Close enough I guess.
I can't wait till we can fix her little lazy eyelid (we have to wait till she's 5) but she's still cute :)
 Grandma & Lucy!
ok, now it's mom/lucy/pumpkin overload time...

 ^They recently relocated a Frank Lloyd Wright house to Bentonville. It wasn't open yet, but we walked by.
 Lucy's birthday was the last day we were home so we had to have a  little celebration on the real day! Some of my friends came and we just had some cake and sang to her. And she got to wear her crown again. win/win.
Classic Lucy face right now. Duke does an impression of her, I'll have to post a side by side of one these day.
 Hanging on the square with my friend Stacy-the one who got married. I'll do another post with pictures from that beautiful day.
 bestie since 9th grade!
Three generations right here. Can you tell we're related?? ;)


  1. I can definitely see the similarities between baby you and Lucy...until I read that those pictures were you I actually thought it was Lucy!

  2. Lucy's hair is probably the coolest thing ever! I'm glad you got to enjoy fall in the US this year.
