
Cosmo Fields

Back in February my friend Taylor and I and our babies and her mother in law drove up north to see the field of cosmos in bloom. The farmers who plant these plant them in between planting their crops for a short season. I think that's pretty cool and I sure appreciate it. It really is pretty hilarious trying to get a toddler to cooperate during a photo shoot, let alone 2 toddlers. But we had a good time anyways. Lucy wanted to run around but she kept falling into the grooves between the crops (she had only been walking about a month at the time), so she was having a rough time. In about half of these she's actually crying/whining/screaming, but it looks like a smile ha!
I'm so thankful for this wonderful lady's friendship. I met her when we were both pregnant and she was looking for someone interested in going to the prenatal yoga class. I actually only went twice bc it was mid-summer and the AC was out at the gym and I was blacking out during it. haha. Anyways over time she has become one of my dearest friends here. I love her positive, happy, fun, flexible personality. Okinawa has been a treasure trove a wonderful friends and it is really the main reason I have loved this place so much. The hardest part is seeing them move-which has already happened a few times but these people are friends for life.
Little Drew Drew. She's 6 weeks younger than Lucy although you'd think it was the other way around!
She loves pointing and now picking the flowers.
totally over it ^^
Until next year my cosmo flower friends.

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