
The Yohena Ajisai (Hydrangea) Gardens

I've been wanting to visit this beautiful place ever since I first heard about it a couple of years ago from my friend Annie. Most of the flower fields I visit around Okinawa are random fields or are part of a festival but this garden is a little more special. Forty or so years ago this cute little lady name Uto Yohena started planting hydrangeas in her tangerine field along the paths between the trees. Eventually the flowers started dominating the trees and long story short we have this beautiful garden that she opened up to the public in 2001. Today she is 99 years old!! Isn't that amazing?! I was excited to meet her and hear about her experience and tell her how beautiful the garden was. Well, I met her and turns out she doesn't speak a lick of English haha. But I'm sure she knows.
This is Uto! Lucy was OVER the pictures clearly.
 There are more than 10,000 hydrangea and you can weave all around the garden to see them all.
My friend Taylor and her cutie Drew
 It's also worth mentioning that it was SO INCREDIBLY HOT this day. We were all completely covered in sweat from head to toe. I don't know how you can't tell in these pictures. Summer is here! The humidity is insane.
 Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers. I loved this place!
 heart shaped!

miss independent right there^
Here's a moment that I died of cuteness. Lucy helps Duke water his tomato plant. So she starting "watering" the flowers with her water bottle. It looks more like she was offering them a drink. I love her.

my little fashionista! She loves hats
they crack me up with their adult accessories

1 comment:

  1. this place is awesome, I actually think its one of my favorites on island! I never made it this year which I am sad about but I will definitely have to go next year since it will be our last time before we move. I love how Lucy was watering the flowers, so cute!
