

I spent part of last week in Seattle because my little brother got married there! That deserves a post all on it's own though. We didn't get much time to explore--only about half a day. But let me tell you, that Seattle weather-AMAZING this time of year! I was actually cold at certain times. Craziness. 
First stop-Pike Place Market of course! We got all the flowers for the wedding luncheon here and for ALL of them it was only $25!!! Insane. If I lived here I would have fresh flowers everyday!
I was obsessing over the beautiful Dahlias. 
That guy^ picked me out one of the best peaches I've ever had.
fresh fish!
The beautiful, colorful gum wall! My brother in law thought it was pretty gross and he took the gum he was chewing and threw it away in the trash can by the wall. But on the way back he bravely added his other piece to the wall!
Loved the chalk art they had going on in the city.
Ate lunch at Ivars
We also walked around the Olympic Sculpture park. Have I mentioned how nice the weather was?! Amazing.
Love my sisters!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pics. I've been fascinated with the Pacific Northwest lately so this is perfect. Looks like a wonderful time! Also, I recently visited a gum wall in San Luis Obispo... disgusting. Haha.

