

I wanted to do a catch up blog post, but I still need to export all my photos from last year out of lightroom and it is moving slower than molasses!! Does anyone know how to speed up lightroom? I'm sure I could google it I suppose.

I had a wonderfulllll holiday break. My mom, dad, and little sister came out for 9 days. It was so fun to show them around. We also visited Aka Island in the Keramas and it was nothing short of amazing. I decided on this trip that the Keramas are one of my favorite places I've ever been to. I'm a beach girl and not only was it insanely gorgeous, their was no tourists. Actually there was one other couple we kept seeing around. I've never been to such pretty places that are so under commercialized and left alone. If you live in Okinawa, you reallly have to make it out there! I'll write more about our trip in a different post. I just feel very strongly about how much I love it :).

I decided this year to not make a big over arching resolution. Instead I'm going to make monthly goals, and within that weekly goals. This month I'm doing @jillkfitness Fitblast. I actually won it for the month on Instagram (what I actually won something?!) and I'm excited about it. I did my first workout today and am ready to keep consistent with my workouts. I feel so much better and confident when I take care of my body by exercising. And honestly that's the main reason I do it. I love how I feel and I know it's important!

My other goals for the month were all wellness related: More veggies everyday, drink 60 oz water/day and be in bed by 10 every night. I totally struggle with all 3 of those and I'm sick of paying for it!

Duke still has the rest of the week off and we are going to try to make it up to Okuma for a night tomorrow and hang out on the beach. This is my fourth winter in Okinawa and so far it has been the nicest weather-wise! We'll see if it stays.

So there is a little blurb about life right now. I love hearing other people's resolutions, so share yours if you want!

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