
HAPPY 2013!

via pinterest
I love New Years. The mental fresh slate is always welcoming. Duke and I spent a nice low key night in. We made our resolutions for the year and reviewed 2012 via my blog. Then at midnight we made Winston very upset by using our noise makers to ring in the year. Then Duke chased him around the house with them. Poor doggy.
I'm excited for 2013. Odd years seem to be my lucky years for a while running now. This year we'll finally find out where we will be stationed for three years. Duke will hopefully get his wings and finish training, hopefully travel somewhere exciting, possibly enlarge the family. Who knows!? I can't wait to look back in a year and see where I'm at compared to now. That's always the fun part. As for my resolutions, I feel I'm making the same ones every year. So besides exercising MORE and eating more vegetables, learning ASL, improving my Illustrator skills (and like 15 more I don't feel like listing), my big resolution is to live purposefully. Super vague. But basically I want to use my time more wisely and really focus on what life is all about. Improve myself spiritually. Also I want to push myself to serve others more. In light of making resolutions to improve ourselves, I really liked this quote I saw on pinterest.

And a quick recap of the most noteworthy happenings from 2012:

My first Valentines Day spent with my valentine
Awesome road trip through Arkansas, Denver, SLC, Provo & Moab
Cooking my first turkey
Bland family reunion in Indianapolis -loved seeing everyone!
Celebrating 1 year of marriage
Trip East
Moving to Corpus Christi
Visiting family for Christmas

Looking it over, I guess 2012 wasn't so bad!!! Cheers to 2013!

1 comment:

  1. awesome! but not too sad to say goodbye to 2012 myself.
